Cladding in the rain

Elleville weathered its first storm flawlessly.

And we got our bad-weather-building batch: Battening down the hatches and getting cladding up in pouring rain and gale-force-winds, to protect the most exposed corners.

For some reason, nobody was taking pictures :-D.

Here’s what work looked like when the sun came out again:

And, yes, we took some inspiration from The Great Wave off Kanagawa with the bottom of the cladding.

As for the rest of the weekend:

  • Jens made wood chip paths for us. On a Sunday! Thank you, Jens!!

  • Morten and Carsten had their first late night session in our workspace/reception/welcome hall. (It’s an AMAZING feeling to work in an office you’ve just built with your own hands. No words.)

  • And, most importantly, Johannes has been going at it all weekend. Not just the cladding, but turning our construction site little by little into an orderly, welcoming place. This is somebody who taught agroecology at Wageningen, did his PhD on agroecology, co-innovation and farming systems design and analysis design, working his butt off with us on a weekend. And now sorting our systems for measuring and improving construction times and processes.

How on earth did we get so lucky? Thank you for joining the team, Johannes!!


Let there be Light
